There are 3 key groups that need to be fully on board for a successful ERP implementation. These groups of people play a major role in the successful implementation of ERP in an organization. They include the Senior Leaders, People Managers and End Users.

Let’s explore their roles and practical change management actions to get them ready as it relates to the 3 stakeholders on board for an ERP implementation, along with other elements of change management.

1. Senior Leaders alignment:

Success starts at the top. The full leadership team needs to be fully engaged, with shared understanding of the project goals and the case for change.

This is why you need to get leaders on board, ceate ownership and establish a Steering Committee that includes Executive or Senior leaders from impacted areas of the business. Build communication and engagement opportunities for senior leaders to discuss the project, explain the alignment to departmental goals and address questions from their management and employee teams.

2. Build people manager buy-in and support

If your supervisor shrugs when asked about a project due to a lack of interest or knowledge, how motivated will you be to participate? Employees look to their people manager for signals on priority tasks and details on how their role and responsibilities may change. Research shows 75% or your managers and 65% of your employees need to be on board for the change to be successful.

You should also remember to connect with HR as ERP implementations often drive changes in employee roles and responsibilities. HR can support people managers in the areas where there are the greatest impacts.

3. Find and focus On Your End Users

Accordingly, the first time an End User hears about a big change to an everyday process shouldn’t be while sitting in a training session days before Go Live.  So, a steady drumbeat of communication also elevates the importance of the project, so End Users are more likely to prioritize their participation.

Afterward, demystify the new ERP system through demos and interactive in-person or virtual sessions where you get the ask necessary questions and expert advice from your vendors.

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