Odoo ERP software is a web-based application built with a client-server architecture. odoo we developed using web technologies and can be installed and hosted on any of the following options:

SaaS: Odoo SaaS ( Software as a Service)

Odoo.sh: Odoo professional hosting for Continuous integration CI

On-Premise: Install odoo on your own local server when you have a reliable internal support

Cloud Provider: Install odoo on your selected cloud virtual private server VPS or dedicated server


Odoo provides a professional hosting service called odoo.sh. In addition to the excellent hosting, it also provides services you need to develop, test, run and integrate into production.

Odoo.sh provides:

  • Emails gateway
  • Backups 3x servers
  • Replication
  • Monitoring
  • Fine-tuned for best Odoo performance
  • Dev / Production servers with tools like email catchers
  • But it also is a CI platform:
  • Automatically test every commit based on GitHub commits
  • Manage the Dev > Staging > Production flow
  • Continuous deployment

odoosh requirements

Odoo Server Requirements

Odoo requires its own system to work efficiently, a standalone VPS or PC with Ubuntu OS optimized for good performance with the right memory and CPU power. This depends on the number of users and the expected load they do on the system.

You need to assign the no. of workers(Thread) in odoo configuration file. One worker can handle around 6 concurrent users.

Configuration sample

  • Server with 4 CPU, 8 Thread
  • 60 concurrent users
  • 60 users / 6 = 10 <- theoretical number of worker needed
  • (4 * 2) + 1 = 9 <- theoretical maximal number of worker
  • We’ll use 8 workers + 1 for corn. We’ll also use a monitoring system to measure CPU load and check if it’s between 7 and 7.5.
  • AM = 9 * ((0.8*150) + (0.2*1024)) ~= 3Go RAM for Odoo

Odoo Server Architecture

As a client-server web-based application odoo can be hosted in several ways based on the requirements. The goal is to utilize the hardware or virtual servers to achieve the high performance needed.

odoo double structure


You will need approx 4 GB Ram dedicated for odoo, 4 CPU If you add 4+ will be an advantage on the speed performance.

Hard disk, 100 GB will be enough, but it depends if you take database backup every day in the same instance. then hard disk size cannot be predicted, but if you are taking the database regularly and clearly only keeping last month’s or last week’s database backup then you won’t need more hard disk size.

Events & Activities

Odoo Business Show