Covid-19 has brought in drastic changes in all industries across the globe. As humanity as a whole is struggling for survival, the industries are not spared either. Many industries are experiencing serious setbacks these days and are struggling for survival during the crisis period. Many industries especially the travel industry, hospitality, construction, education, etc. have been hit badly due to the crisis.
The industries are now thriving back with the support of a decentralized workforce. Decentralization is not that easy a task for industries that had been operating under a single roof for many years. Coordination, management, work allocation and all other tasks distributed to the centralized team are now being decentralized.

The industries would not have succeeded in the battle with the Covid 19 if they had not received the support of software tools. With this blog, we can learn how the ERP system has helped the industries to tackle the situation.

ERP solution can help the industries in multiple ways to manage decentralized operations. As employees are working from home and in small units or in shifts enterprise resource planning software can help the industries to a great deal.

1. Plan better and implement better

Project planning and scheduling and alerting the employees about their roles can be done online using the ERP solutions. Effective planning helps the business to make better decisions at the right time. ERP tools also support you by predicting the challenges and forecasting the demand. This will help you to plan work centers and deploy the workforce in efficient ways.

ERPs these days are operating with the powers of artificial intelligence. This helps to quickly grasp the situation and work accordingly. Such initiatives can manage all operations in a profitable way.

2. Stabilized business for stabilized cash flow

ERP tools help you to manage different businesses more efficiently. B2B and B2C operations can be strengthened and operations planned in a way to retain the business. The forecast demand analysis support helps the business to identify the products which are of huge demand during the period. Services can also be streamlined through the internet world to ensure that the consumers are retained. ERP tools offer complete Ecommerce support for business wings. The door delivery system and dropship facility also support the business operations. Product management and sale management and development of sale and production strategies help the business to maintain the cash flow.

3. E-Learning and Ecommerce

Get comprehensive support for eCommerce, education, PoS, and other industries across the globe with ERP use. You can leave aside your worries and ensure safe transactions during pandemic times using ERP.

ERP will also offer you support to manage the changing needs with efficiency. The academic sector, which has now become a completely online assisted industry, is operating smoothly with the help of ERP tools. ERP assisted management makes student-teacher interactions more effective. The use of different media for academic purposes can ensure you the support to manage the system.

4. Support to retain customers

ERP will enable the investor to manage all business operations in an efficient and customer-friendly manner enabling safe operations following all security standards. This helps the user to get in frequent contact with the customers be it, product buyers and service seekers. Quick interaction and timely completion of service delivery along with quick and efficient product delivery can be assured with the support of ERP tools. During these troubled times, ERP helps you to manage and continue all business-related operations the best possible way.

5. Easy decentralization of work

Decentralization of work is made possible with ERP tools. This tool connects every employee and the manager throughout the working hours. Work allocation, frequent interaction, and completion analysis can be done with ERP assistance. The cloud support helps the users to manage all operations from a distant location. The managers will be able to review the work of their subordinates from a remote location using ERP. The employees can be given access to different projects and teams can be built online. This also helps the companies to manage the time off, working hours, productive working hours, and effective hours of the employees. All works can be listed and managed here with ease.

6. Online maintenance and repair support

AS the work environments are cutting down the number of workers present at the work center at the same time, this online maintenance and repair support turns important. The maintenance teams will have to turn up to address the issue only on call.

7. Round the clock customer support

ERP enables you to manage customer data and contact them and interact with them with the help of live chat or email communication. Email marketing, SMS marketing, and marketing automation along with the best CRM and sales tools can help the business to maintain its goodwill the best way. The business can receive and manage all complaints from the customers and ensure quick delivery of products or service.

The ability to prioritize customer requirements and service support also helps the business.

8. Marketing made easy with online marketing tools

The customers can know about products and services from their comfort zones without fearing the pandemic if the business is depending on ERP marketing management tools. ERP supports the business to automate marketing campaigns to improve the business.

9. Online supply chain management

ERP has enabled the online integration of the supply chain. The purchase, sale, and other activities involved in different industries can be coordinated from anywhere in the world. The investor will not have to be physically present at all his business ventures in different parts of the world. Instead, the user can control all operations from the safety of his / her house if he is using the ERP tool for overall control.

The number of business enterprises dependent on the online controlling system has increased with the pandemic. The world economy that has been experienced hurdles is withstanding to a certain extent with the support of ERP-assisted industrial and business operations.

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